Ps 138:3 “When I called, You answered me; You made me bold and stout hearted.”
When we feel the pressure of defeat... the stress of failure... the angst of impending doom... we brace ourselves for the moment of impact.
Crunch time!
We know it's coming - the point where things start caving in around us.
That unavoidable instant when we take the hit.
Will we survive?
→ If only our hearts won’t fail!
You get a letter from the bank... and it's not looking good.
Your wife speaks the dreaded "D" word.
Your child breaks your heart with his foolish life choices.
The company you worked for all your life is closing down,
- and you're left stranded.
You brace yourself as the doctor gives you bad news regarding your health.
→ If only our hearts won’t fail!
This is David’s cry: "Lord, give me a strong heart!" and God answers with strength and courage.
We have a refuge to run to. A source of strength. We call on our God and He hears us. We receive from Him boldness. He makes us “stout-hearted”
meaning: brave, gutsy, fearless, unafraid, heroic.
You can call on this same God, and He will answer in the same way. He will give you a bold and stout heart.