While surfing the web I stumbled across a blogger who wrote about a gift she received. A bottle of Perfume called ‘Amazing Grace.’

“Incidentally, I received the ‘Amazing Grace’ as a gift, and I had to return it. I thought it was too sweet smelling.”
That ‘one line’ read to me like a sermon illustration of someone who rejected the Gospel.
"Grace as a gift... returned it... too sweet smelling."
The Apostle Paul had this to say about the perfume of Grace.
Through us, God spreads the knowledge of Christ everywhere like perfume. God considers us to be the sweet smell that Christ is spreading among people who are being saved and people who are dying. To the one, we are the smell of death. To the other, we are the perfume of life.
(2Co 2:14-16)
But all this got me thinking. If God had to post a picture on Google to portray His kind of Grace, what would He post?
Probably a picture of His Son.
Maybe a picture of the wooden cross on which Jesus died.
But you know what? The more I think about it, it would probably be a picture of you, dressed in a clean white robe, with a big smile on your face because you’ve been forgiven... and you’ve been excepted... in spite of your sins and mistakes...
Now that’s amazing grace!

And because we’ve received such an ‘amazing grace,’ Paul commands us to “Lead a life of love, just as Christ did. He loved us. He gave himself up for us. He was a sweet-smelling offering and sacrifice to God.”
Eph 5:2