What's in a name?
Have you ever wondered why we call this time of year 'Easter?'
For some people 'Easter' brings to mind images of Chocolate Bunnies and Eggs’. As a Christian I felt confused about the true meaning of Easter. I knew we celebrated Jesus’ death and resurrection, but why do we call it ‘Easter?’ Some church folk told me that 'Easter' is a reference to a Pagan God. 1
But I discovered there's another side to Easter that completely blew me away.
In early English translations of the Bible the word ‘Eostre’ was frequently used as the translation of the Greek word ‘pascha.’ (Passover).1

Then God said: “the blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are; and when I see the blood, I will pass over you.” (Exo 12:13)
We know that Jesus was crucified at the time of the Jewish Passover. This is most significant. That lamb slaughtered in Egypt was pointing forward to God’s own Lamb, Jesus. And He shed His blood on a cross for us. When I place my trust in Jesus’ work of salvation, one could say (in a symbolic way) that Christ blood is now wiped on the “doorposts of my heart...” and therefore - when I stand before God one day to give an account of my life, His judgement will “pass over” me because of the Blood of the Lamb. (John 1:29)
As with Christmas, the celebration of Easter extends beyond the church into the secular world. Let us not shy away from those who celebrate Easter for the wrong reasons. But rather use it as a bit of ‘common ground’ to start a conversation about the true meaning of Easter: a “festival of remembrance” - when we celebrate how Christ has paid for our sins, and therefor God’s judgement has “passed over” us.
1. http://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Easter.php4
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