
Reflections on Easter (1)

- Death is a door -

John 13:1
“Jesus knew that the time had come for Him to leave this world and go to the Father.”

Jesus was standing in the shadow of death. It was time. All things were now in place and would happen according to God’s plan. “He will crush your head, and you will strike his heal.” (Gen 3:15) This single verse in the third chapter of Genesis contained a prophetic description of Jesus’ suffering, but also his victory over Satan.

Jesus was going to the cross, staring death in the face. He would ‘taste death’ just like any mortal man. The fear, the agony... but He had an unwavering hope that He clung to. - His Father would raise Him again. He would not be held captive by the grave.

Point to ponder:
Death affects us all. Whether it’s losing a loved one, or staring death in the face ourselves. But through Jesus we know that we share that same hope He had, that in leaving this world we would also go to the Father. Death is not final. It’s just a door leading from one world to the next. And because He has removed the ‘sting of death,’ we don’t have to fear death anymore. It has become a passage, not a final destination.

Lord, You are my comfort in life and in death. Thank you for making a way for me to be part of Heaven’s Kingdom. In You, though we die, we will live forever.


  1. This is a magnificent truth. It is a hope of things believed but not seen. Our hope is Christ alone, Creator, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, The ONE TRUE GOD. How the spotless Lamb of God could love such a stained one as I will always leave me in awe and with my eyes fixed on heaven awaiting his return. To ponder being in His presence for even a moment is terrifying and awesome all at once. One day in heaven our eyes will meet filled with wonder all the saints will sing......

  2. Amen, amen, amen!"I could only imagine what it would be like..."
