After watching the news about Queensland and N.S.W being hit by a severe storm, Perth got it's fare share of wind and rain. Just this morning I drove past a sign that was blown over by strong winds (see the pic I took below). When I returned home, I found our 'recently emptied' rubbish bin had been displaced by the wind - I found it about 50m down the road.

This wet, cold, windy weather always reminds me of our first attempt at whale watching.
Whale watching is something everyone should do at least once in their life... just don’t do it on a rainy day. Cecile and I made that mistake. Because it was a rainy day, ticket prices were discounted, and from where we stood inside the Sydney harbour, the water looked calm enough to enjoy the ride and see the whales. But we didn’t realise that the water was calm because it was inside the harbour. Once the boat went through the heads, the open sea became rough.
It felt like a never ending rollercoaster ride. We both got sea-sick. And from that point on I couldn’t care less for seeing whales or even opposing whale hunting. I felt so sick that the thought of death seemed like a better alternative than being alive and enduring that boat ride.
After what felt like a life time we finally crawled onto dry land. I’m sure I had lost weight. I think my stomach was still floating out at sea somewhere. What amazed me was how the crew of the ship seemed un-phased by the waves and un-phased by people being sick. I think they knew we’d get sick, because they gave all passengers “barf bags” and bottled water at the start of the journey (while we were still in calm waters.)
So what’s the point of all this rambling? A simple lesson.
When life’s storms blow in, head for the harbour. You’ll be safe there.
Isaiah 25:4(c) You have been a place to hide when storms came.
On a lighter note...

P.S. We still go on boat rides, but only when the sun is shining and the waves are friendly :o)