This week's blog is not so much a devotion,
but more a reflection of my time at Synod '09. Please note that the opinions in this blog is my own, and is not to be seen as a complete list of the who's who in the CRCA.
but more a reflection of my time at Synod '09. Please note that the opinions in this blog is my own, and is not to be seen as a complete list of the who's who in the CRCA.
Synod '09 was held at Wonga Park CRC in Melbourne. As expected, the days were just packed. Through the many discussions it quickly became apparent that there were many challenges facing our denomination, as well as many opportunities.
And that much prayer is needed to help us become
'a Church reforming to reach the lost for Christ.'
And that much prayer is needed to help us become
'a Church reforming to reach the lost for Christ.'

home to a large South African contigent.

Werner Viljoen (front) pastor of the Toowoomba CRC, who minister to many South Africans in and around Tawoomba. Behind him is Stefaans de Bruyn, representing the GKSA.

Joe Vermeulen (me) taking in the beautiful scenery
outside Wonga Park CRC where Synod was held.
It was about 10 degrees cooler than Perth. Brrrr...
outside Wonga Park CRC where Synod was held.
It was about 10 degrees cooler than Perth. Brrrr...
My home church is Grace CRC, Perth,
a church that was planted 4 years ago among South Africans.
a church that was planted 4 years ago among South Africans.

a church with a large South African membership.
Sitting next to Leo is Arie Kuyper
representing the NRCSA.

and right, John De Boer, vice chairman.
As always hard at work.

a large South African membership base.
Jack de Vries (left) & Jack Nyhouse.

He'll be going into surgery soon as he's donating one of his kidneys to a congregation member who desperately needs a transplant.

Greg Tenny (front) from Redlands and Josh Hartog from Westside.
Both young, vibrant churches.
I realise that there are many other churches that are home to South African migrants, but I can't think of them all right now. I just realised that the chuch where Synod is held, Wonga Park CRC in Melbourne, is the home church of Rev. Thinus Du Plessis (not pictured) who pastors a large congregation that also includes a large South African grouping.
A defining moment for me personally came when the Church Planting Committee (CTP) touched on the point of the many South Africans migrating to Australia, and how we as a denomination could best facilitate integrating them into local Reformed Churches.
Then it happened... before I knew it I found myself standing at a microphone... and with fear and trembling dared to speak to the gathering. I stressed to Synod the importance of extending a deliberate, welcoming hand to the South African migrants.
South Africans usually have a strong church background and many of them are of a Reformed conviction. But so many come to Australia and soon become un-churched because they can't find a church where they fit in. After a while it becomes easier to stay at home, and not bother with church anymore. This is a sad but true reality. It's also an oppertunity for our denomination.
Synod'09 made this recommendation regarding the above mentioned: "To charge the Church Planting Taskforce to... develop a strategy to reach South African migrants to Australia and to inform the churches of this."
This is a good step forward, and I'm praying that we, the CRCA, will be able to make a positive difference to those South Africans who immigrate 'Down Under.'
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