Hope is also held out to God’s people who through the ages have endured terrible persecution. The final destruction of the godless is shown, and the eternal hope and reward of heaven is revealed. That’s good news for God’s people – bad news for the godless.
Next time you read Revelations, remember that it’s the Revelation of Jesus that’s portrayed as the major theme. The antichrist is not the major theme. He’s mentioned... but he’s not the star played in this final drama of the last days.
Another interesting point to note is that Revelations is a book filled with lost of worship songs. It’s 2’nd after Psalms as the book with the most singing mentioned in it. There’s major themes of angels, living creatures and people both in heaven and earth singing and declaring God’s praises.
One of my greatest inspirations in music is Michael Card (Unveiled Hope). This is a CD by him based on the book of Revelation. Brilliant!

I’ve wrote and recorded a CD in Afrikaans based on it as well: Openbaring – die Boek van Hoop. Copies will be available for sale at our next Afrikaans service. Or contact me if you’d like a copy sooner. joe.vermeulen@bigpond.com
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