Did you excel at sports or academics? If yes, you were probably in a popular school group. If no, you probably struggled with a low self esteem.
That was the case for me. I’m just wired differently... more of an artist. I learned best when pictures, colour and object lessons were used. I really struggled with learning from pages full of writing which contained only worded theories, arguments and numbers.
I scored high marks in History. But that was because I converted the facts into cartoons, much like newspaper cartoonist would do. My teacher was most intrigued with how I could remember the facts with pictures. To me it was a necessity. My brain just couldn’t grasp it otherwise. It’s something I still do today.
As a pastor, some of my sermon notes have small picture boxes to one side, and bullet points on the other side. Other times I use more document type sermon notes, but then I highlight them with colour markers. Green = headings. Yellow = sub points. Blue = scripture reference. Orange = illustrations.
God made us all different. On purpose! That’s His creative design.
Psalm 139:13-14 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
In a book by Howard Gardner, ‘Frames of Mind,’ he lists 7 types of geniuses (or intelligences). He points out that we all learn differently, and we all excel in different fields. Everyone will be stronger in some areas, and weaker in others. We all have at least one type of genius locked up within us. As parents and teacher we need to help our kids discover what it is, develop it and celebrate their achievements in those respective areas.
I’ll list the 7 types of geniuses here with cartoons that I used for a family service based on Psalm 139.
Verbal Linguistic:
A person gifted with a natural ability to read and write. Gifted to gather and share information. E.g. journalists, writers, attorneys and teachers.
Someone who loves dealing with data that is measured in numbers. E.g. mathematicians, computer programmers and engineers.
Those who are gifted to be great in mechanics, building trades and sports people, like athletes and dancers. Often people who learn better with 'hands on' learning. They love doing more than they love sitting behind a desk.

Creative thinkers, artists and designers.
They think in pictures, and have a natural ability to perceive and create art in its various forms, like music, painting, design and productions.

Folk who have a gift in commerce or business. They are able to see a niche in the market. They are able to take calculated risks and build businesses out of very little, and thereby employ many others. Just think of Richard Branson from the Virgin group. He failed at school, but is one of the greatest entrepreneurs of our times.

People who talk easily with others. They are the great communicators of society. They often end up being great communicators, singers, sales people or preachers.

This is the genius that emanates from human beings to the things around them. It's people who are naturally gifted in dealing with things like trees, plants, fish, the ocean, animals and the land. Think of farmers, park rangers, animal trainers and oceanographers. (Like Steve Erwin... the famous crocodile hunter.)
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