Gen 2:15 “The lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.”
Def' of Work: 'To obtain something with effort/to bring about or to produce a result.'(WORDPOWER dictionary)
Work was part of God’s perfect design for man. It was given to us before sin entered man’s heart. Work is a gift of god. It gives us fulfilment and joy. Especially when we do that which we were designed to do.(Our God given purpose.)
It is good for my motivation to realise that God wants me to be fruitful (productive.)
Here's an interesting observation: Things God gave man BEFORE sin entered in:
• Work (Gen 2:15)
• Responsibility (Gen 1:26-28)
• Free will (Gen 2:16)
• Boundaries (Gen 2:17)
• A wife (singular - v.18,22)
To see any of the above as “Burdensome Duties” is wrong. They were the things God intended to bless me with - part of my God ordained purpose. Though we might live in a sinful world where work has now become toil, and we find ourselves effected by broken marriages, being overworked and victims of burnout - we can find our redemption in God. In the midst of our brokenness and frustration, He is able to make all things work together for those who love Him.
Prayer: God, help me live my life - every part of it - for You.
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