Gen 4:7 "If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door, it desires to have you, but you must master it.”

We all are in Cain’s shoes. We are sinful at heart, deserving of God’s wrath. But here God gives us a glimpse into the dealings of sin. He personifies it - painting a picture of a sly invader wanting to overpower you and take you into it's control. But then the simple strategy follows. You must master it!
Sin means to miss the mark of what God intends. It is anything I do that does not glorify God. Sin is addictive. It's dangerous and deceptive... especially when we start justifying it.
Do whatever it takes, just make sure you master it. Fight it. If you fail - start again. Pray about it. Confess it honestly to God. Repent. Read books about overcoming specific issues in your life. Seek council. Just do something.
Jesus died for our sins. We've been victims to sin before and who can say that they will never sin again? But before, I was a slave to sin, but now, because I am saved by Grace, I can master it. For God enables me to live a life that is pleasing to Him.
Prayer: "Lord, thank You for these words. I miss the mark so many times, and when I do it gets me down. But l will continue fighting sin in my life. Work in me to live a life that is pleasing to you."
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