
Time out!

Mark 6:31-32 Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, He said to them, "Come with Me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest." (32) So they went away by themselves in a boat to a solitary place.

Quiet. A solitary place. By yourself. Get some rest.

Maybe these few words seem out of reach. Maybe like me, you're longing for just that, quiet... rest.. but your schedule won't allow it.

But maybe we need to take "time out" and do just that. Get some rest. Go to a solitary place. Be by yourself. Drown out the noise.
It might be taking a coffee break and sitting at a window where you can look at the clouds and clear your mind. Maybe it's stepping away from you computer and going for a walk. Maybe it's clearing your schedule for tonight so you can spend it at home with your family. Maybe it's just pushing back all the papers on your desk and choosing to spend the next 5 minutes with God. That little 'time out' can make a world of difference.

For me the past two weeks have been hectic, and yet such a blessing. I've come to discover that ministry is a lot like that. People coming and going, deadlines, appointments, time spent preparing for weddings, music workshops, group devotions and sermons. Inbetween there's admin, newsletters, emails and phone calls.
And then I've also got to remember to write my weekly e-Devotions :o)

I'm sitting at my computer adding the final touches on today's wedding message (my youngest brother is getting married this afternoon). And it's so easy to put aside everything else to concentrate on the immediate, urgent stuff like this weddding. But I knew I needed a 'time out!' And I was going to take it! And writing this e-Devotion is my time out. I get to reflect on God's Word. I spend time talking to Him, asking for His guidance and providence.

And then it happens... my spirit is calmed. Anxiousness leaves. And I have a sense of connecting with God. I don't exactly know how this miracle of "connecting with God" happens. I just know that it does. And it lifts me up like an eagle soaring on the wind (Is 40:31).

"Come with Me..." - said Jesus

Are you feeling anxious/burnt out/overworked? Take time out... you might witness a miracle!

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